You can copy functions to create new functions or you can copy the information within a function (notes, orders, etc.) from one function into another existing function.
If you copy multiple functions and do not create new functions, the orders on the original functions are copied into the destination function.
To copy a function or the information within a function:
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events screen opens.
- Select the event with the functions to copy.
- Right-click and select View -> Event Planning -> Event Functions. The Event Functions screen opens.
- Select the function(s) to copy. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple functions.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Copy Row(s). A green icon displays to the left of the function row.
- Select the function to paste the new function after.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Paste Row(s). The Paste Functions screen opens.
- Select the following:
- New Function – If checked, a new function is pasted into the functions. If unchecked, the information selected in the Function Options, Order Options, Booth Options, Date and Time Options and Space Options is pasted into the selected function.
- Pasted After – Places the function after the selected function at the same hierarchy level.
- Paste Indented – Place the function indented under the selected function so it is the next hierarchy level down from the selected function.
- Expand the Function Options section.
- Check the check box for each option you want to copy to the new/existing function.
- Expand the Order Options section.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Include Orders – If checked, copies orders from the selected function to the new function.
- Reprice Orders – If checked, reprices the orders with the selected price list.
- Use Order - Uses the price list on the order to reprice.
- Use Destination Event - Uses the price list on the event to reprice.
- Payment Plans – If checked, the order payment plans copy to the new orders and new payment plans are created.
- User Defined Fields – If checked, copies the user defined field values to the new orders.
- Order Products/Services – If checked, copies the products and services assigned to the order to the new orders.
- Customers - Select to copy all the orders on the function (All Customers) or only the orders where the order bill-to account matches the event bill-to account.
- Order Phase - Select to use the order items or actual order items to create the new orders. Select to create the new orders as forecast orders or standard orders from the second drop-down.
- Order Status – Select the order status for the new orders.
- Order Notes – If checked, copy the order notes to the new order.
- Order Documents – If checked, copy the order documents to the new order.
- Expand the Booth Options section.
- Check the check box for each option you want to copy to the new/existing function.
- Expand the Date and Time Options section.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Date Options - Dates for the new function.
- Keep Original Dates - Uses the dates from the copied function.
- Peg Dates to Target Function - Uses the start date from the selected function as the base date (day 0) and adjusts the dates of the pasted function relative to day 0 and its own start date.
- Peg Dates To - Uses the entered date to create the new function. If you copy multiple functions with different start dates, the earliest function date uses the Peg Date To date and any other functions set to different dates preserve their duration/offset from that date on.
- Time Options - Times for the new function.
- Keep Original Times - Uses the times from the copied function.
- Peg Times to Target Function - Uses the times from the selected function.
- Peg Dates To - Uses the entered time to create the new function.
- Date Options - Dates for the new function.
- Expand the Space Options section.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Anchor Space – Anchor space to assign to the new/existing function.
- Additional Spaces - Additional space to assign to the new/existing function.
- Click OK. Either a new function is created or the selected information is copied to the selected function.
Hi All
Back to the peg dates to target function, why doesn't the end date of the system use only pull through and instead it will pull the number of days inbetween the event you are scripting from pulls through as the end date?
Hi Fionn,
It is not possible to specifically configure default values. Instead, the software retains the last settings used on many of the Copy windows. So, if the Include Orders checkbox was unchecked the last time the Paste Functions tool was used, it will remain unchecked the next time the window is accessed.
Is it possible to set the default behaviour when copying function lines? Specifically, can I set it up such that the "include orders" checkbox is unchecked by default?
Thanks Sean
If you have a 'System Use Only' function which is 2/3 days than using the peg dates to target function is only using the start date and I would like to also take in to account the end date, why does the system use the end date as the start date?
Hi Kris,
I'm sure it has always been this way, hence the unique term 'Peg to'. Event Profiles use the same logic.
I always suggest that best practice is to always start your scripting with the automated one function per day, then script your day. In this way, generally speaking, each function only lasts one-day maximum. If you need more days, copy and paste to the following days using the Peg.
In your case above, I would copy a day from the source event and paste it to all 5 days of the destination event pegging the dates to the target. This will give you a 5-day running sheet with each day having the correct date and the duration of each activity preserved. Having functions per day also helps when viewing the Function Master to see 'what's on today'
The functionality is built so that if Day 2 is the same as Day 1 but because there is no Registration or Opening, the Day 2 schedule starts 1 hour earlier, but the duration of the activities stays the same.
I understand the wish for the end dates to come across, and perhaps yet another option on the paste window could be useful, but I do think if you script as above you mightn't need it. I also understand you might not want to change how you do things.
Thanks Wendy will do.
As far as I know this has always worked this way. It is difficult to determine your specific issue without examples.
After scripting from the 3 day event to a 4 or 5 day event, users might need to manually adjust dates/times if they are not correct, perhaps even adding additional functions or scripting again and pegging to the additional dates, or you might need to create another event or profile or functions to script from that is for the duration they need.
What you are asking for, which I believe is to have an option to "peg" both start and end dates/times, would be an enhancement since that is not the current design. May I suggest you post it to the Venue Product Ideas forum?
Thanks for the reply Wendy.
Has this always been the case as I have events that staff have only ever scripted from and the copy screen as always been the same and this is giving the start and end date as the same as opposed to the end date on the system use only.
Why cant we have the end date on the function?
The issue we have is the event we script from just say has 3 day duration and now will only script 3 days although the duration of the event maybe 4 or 5 days and when we run a daily event report beyond this date the function will not come out.
Hi Kris,
By our definition, "peg to" means use the start date/time from the target function, but use the duration from the copied function. We don't look at the end dates/times. If the copied function is 3 hours, the end date/time on the target function will be 3 hours after the start date/time. If the copied function is 24 hours, the end date/time on the target function will be 24 hours after the start date/time.
This is simply the design of the feature.
Is there a way to copy and paste the function description without having to enter the field as editable? We used to be able to select the description field box, use the keyboard shortcut for copy, and then highlight only the description fields for other functions and hit paste. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this similarly in v20.
The closest I've gotten is hitting F2 to make the box editable, copying the text, then moving to the desired box, and hitting F2 before pasting.
Otherwise I'll tell our users to enter one function to copy and paste the rest in. They won't like it but it'll be faster than adding and re-entering all the information, and this seems to be the only way to copy and paste the function description as well.
Hi Carisa,
Indeed you are.
Say you have a 3 day event and you have used the Script option to create three level one day of the week functions. Once you script your various level 2 functions for the first day (including service orders, notes etc) you can then highlight all the scripting from day one, select Copy, then highlight days two and three and select Paste. When done, you will have the same scripting (and orders, notes etc) on days two and three.
Are you able to copy multiple functions from day to day?
Hi Chew. The term 'Peg' relates only to the Start date/time. eg, if you have a 3hr function on Day 1 and you paste it to Day 2, it will always be a 3hr function but starting on the Day 2 date (and time if selected).
I usually have the Day of Week as the Level 1. These have times from 0800 - 2200. If I am copying my 3hr function to the second day, I still want it to be 3hr duration, not 14hrs.
I suppose it really depends on your use case as to whether you like it like this or not. You always have the ability to Edit Multiple and adjust the dates/times once it has been pasted.
I also have the same problem as Chew, how can this be fixed or at least display the end date and time as the function.
I was copying the event functions from event profile's template and I am facing the following problem:
After I copy the functions, I selected "Peg dates and times to target function". By right both start date, time as well as End date, time should be following the selected function. However, My end date as well as end time does not follow the selected function's end date and end time. It uses the selected function's start date and start time. Is there anyway I can deal with this issue?
Chew TS
Thanks for the quick response, Wendy. The other option you mentioned seems perfect! I'll try it out and hopefully our employees will like it.
Hi Jill,
Unfortunately the copy/paste functionality you are looking for is not available in v20 due to the database architecture. What you have described as a work around is one way to do it.
Another option you might consider is selecting the saved functions you wish to change and using the Edit Multiple feature available on the row or right click menus. Simply check the box for Description, enter the new value, and click OK. All selected functions will update to that new description.
Wendy Thompson
Senior Quality Engineer
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